
Is 6 Foot 3 Tall

Aesthetically 6'3 is however imposing without looking goofy

Anything above 6'three is lanky.

TBH I reckon half dozen'4 literally is the perfect height. Tall and imposing but not lanky.

Brock Lesnar is half-dozen'3
Batista meanehi is 6'five

If you have a skillful enough build, to exist honest whatsoever height can be imposing.

I am 5'vi myself and I know people of my summit or a bit more who are way more jacked and imposing than skinny people over vi'

Posted from TSR Mobile

six.iii is only above average length though. If you actually want to print someone you should be packing at least vii+.

(Original mail service by Dr Alcoholic)
TBH I reckon 6'4 literally is the perfect elevation. Tall and imposing but not lanky.

vi'4 is when yous commencement looking goofy


Name:  3J1wyWQ.jpg  Views: 3755  Size:  52.5 KB

Salubrious, OP.

Now, accept your stupid ass height thread back to the misc.

I would say vi'two is perfect. Yous can walk in a room without banging your caput and near country pubs are just tall enough non to crouch. Being half-dozen'4 however I do not have this luxury so I stop up crouching when I'm try to get pint. Although, you can always accomplish the top shelf.

Of form there will be exceptions, but generally the taller you are, the harder it is to put on muscle.

6'2 or 6'3 destroys six'4

Nah, perchance twenty/30 years agone, but 6'4 now is prime.

(Original post by Dr Alcoholic)
Nah, mayhap 20/30 years ago, merely six'4 now is prime.

Lol **** no, that'due south why theirs inappreciably any models higher up 6'3. Keep in mine well-nigh male models are 6'2 or three and that they are.idealized western males.

Personally I retrieve 5"10-half dozen" is the best acme range for a male, equally you are taller than most girls, but small enough so that high street article of clothing volition ever fit you and won't go health problems due to your elevation in later life.

As well anything to a higher place 6" tends to make it harder to put muscle on.

In terms of pure aesthetics though yous're probably right. Although that said I have a fair few girl friends who say they wouldn't date somebody to a higher place half-dozen foot as they'd feel like they are too small-scale in comparison.

Op, i beloved the function where you PM'd me cause you couldn't neg.

Name:  opisa*******.png  Views: 3901  Size:  7.2 KB

(Original postal service by leocrasd1)
Lol **** no, that'southward why theirs hardly whatsoever models above half dozen'3. Keep in mine most male models are half-dozen'2 or 3 and that they are.idealized western males.

That's just crusade fasion is still playing quondam school rehtoric. 6'4 is the way frontward. Alpine and imposing but not circus freak. vi'two is boilerplate, 6'3 is but higher up.

I'chiliad 6 feet 1 ounce and I have to disagree with all of you. If you weren't and so busy theorising on this forum virtually the ideal Western male person, yous'd find out that sex is awkward when you're way taller than your partner.

I'm vi'1" and don't want to be taller than that actually.


Is 6 Foot 3 Tall,


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