
How Did Jesus Learn Obedience


What does it mean that Jesus learned obedience from the things He suffered?


Hebrews v:eight

NASB - eight Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.

Clarify Share Report Asked Dec 26 2014 Mini Kathleen Dooley

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God trained Jesus to be perfectly sympathetic as a human. He did it by progressively putting burdens upon the Lord Jesus Christ. In this sense Jesus 'learned' obedience (Heb 5:viii). Information technology was not that he was always disobedient, but his obedience to the Father grew higher and college as the Male parent put greater and greater demands upon him. It is this obedience and sympathy that qualifies Jesus to be our Saviour.   Jesus had to learn to be a 'Wounded Healer', which is a term fatigued from a story in the Talmud, the Jewish rabbinical writings - total of wisdom. This story was expounded again by Henri Nouwen. Basically, the story relates how some rabbis found Elijah, and asked him to reveal to them where the Messiah was, being aware from the Scriptures that Elijah was to be the forerunner of Messiah. Elijah directed them to ouside the city gates where they would find the lepers. He told them to observe all of the lepers binding upward their own wounds, but to picket for the one leper who would demark upwards his wounds, and then wait for other lepers whom he could assist with the binding up of their wounds. This, said Elijah was Messiah, the 'Wounded Healer'.   Jesus Christ was and so in touch with His own suffering that He could be sympathetic to the suffering of others - He was wounded throughout His life, just was taught obedience to the Father through His pain in gild to learn to exist sympathetic to the sufferings of others, and in this way be able to minister to and bring healing to them. Thus, He demonstrated the love of the Male parent. And then it should be with all followers, disciples of Jesus (Phil 3:10).  Those who have suffered and are currently in touch with their own brokenness as a issue of their pain, are able to be used by God to minister to others who accept also suffered. People who have never suffered are generally not very sympathetic to sufferers. Those who are not in impact with their ain brokenness tend to exist harsh and unsympathetic to the hurting and brokenness of others. As a event some tend still to be proud and big-headed, and thus tend to utilise others as objects of ministry and cause further hurting and suffering.   God put Jesus through many troubles and trials and testings. It was not plenty that Jesus should know about sufferings; God wanted him to personally experience it. There is a big difference between knowing about (let the states say) Victoria or Niagara falls and having actually been there to see and hear them. You may have seen a photograph, but even that is not enough! Only to have actually been there is different! To see the water spreading broad and long, and the mist ascension up into the sky is a unique experience.  Knowing something in theory and going through the experience are 2 different things. God wanted Jesus to experience the trials and temptations that come to his people. Information technology was as if Jesus were taking a grade, doing classes every day, so as to be trained for the piece of work he was about to do. He was being trained as a sympathetic Saviour.

December 28 2014 0 responses Remove Vote Share Report

Mini James Munro

It can never exist idea that the Lord Jesus was, or could exist, disobedient! He said, "I practice always the things that delight the Father". In that location is also the temptation to become beyond the Scriptures when considering the humanity of the Lord - great is the mystery of godliness - God was manifest in flesh. Nosotros will never be able to reconcile all the aspects of the I who was Divine becoming man. Nonetheless, the Scripture does say He learned obedience and information technology seems, in the context, that the meaning is that he learned obedience experimentally. It was, for case a new feel for Him to say, "Non My will but Thine be washed".

December 27 2014 0 responses Vote Upwardly Share Report

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